Web Site Creation / Design
Here is what we will prepare and deliver:
- Professionally designed web site
- In depth analysis of your industries market and a thorough audit of best performing web sites. This is done to gain a stronger understanding of what works, what can be learned from them and what can be integrated into your web project.
- Use of royalty free stock photography
- Mockup revisions to assure design meets your requirements
- Integration of site design with logo and other brand assets for consistent market presentation
- Web compliant code for all browser platforms (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera)
- (optional) Preparation of site for mobile phone platforms (blackberry and Iphone)
Logo Design
You will get the following for logo design.
- Five different designs
- Revisions to a selected design
- Final preparation of 1 design for your printer
- Preparation of multiple file formats (PNG, JPG, GIF, PDF, etc)
E-Commerce Small
If you have a site whose inventory is relatively small ( up to 25 items), we have an affordable and easy to manage program. You will get:
- Integation of e-commerce with your merchant account (some limitations apply)
- real time CC processing should you select a merchant account integration (additional annual costs apply)
- automated email receipts to customers
- automated emails to you when orders are placed
- setup of shipping and handling
- back end admin tool displaying all customer orders and other customer information
E-Commerce Large
For large scale projects, or for commerce projects where you need full control of almost every store aspect, such as adding/modifying/deleting categories, sub-categories, products, running reports, special shipping setup, importing / exporting data, etc. then we highly recommend using this package. This program runs on an open source engine written in PHP. Its heavily secured, customizable, extremely flexible, easily adaptive to a design thats already established (if you already have a design or need a new one), and allows the admin to have a set of web based tools that will allow you to do the following:
- add/modify/delete categories and sub-categories (unlimited amount),
- add/modify/delete products (unlimited amount)
- setup product attributes such as sizes, colors, etc.
- turn on/off products when out of inventory
- cross promote products with other products
- add unlimited number of items into your store database
- keep a track of all customer email accounts so that you can contact them for promotions, etc.
- integration into the site design you already have
- run sales reports and other reports
- print invoices and packaging slips from back end
- and much more. Keep in mind this is open source so just about any model can be programmed and integrated
Your customers will be able to:
- search entire store through store search engine
- create customer accounts that will allow them to monitor their order status
- have multiple shipping addresses
- suggest product(s) to others
- write product reviews (can be turned on/off)
- can see global AND per-category best seller lists
Web Hosting
You can Easily find web hosting plans out there for $5 a month, but as the old saying goes, you get what you pay for... we use a top tier web hosting company. They are a bit more costly but they provide solid hardware infrastructure with redundant OC3 lines to the internet backbone. Furthermore, they dont pack a thousand web sites per web server (like companies such as godaddy does). Keep in mind that we can setup your web site on your current web host (if you already have one). However there might be limitations and/or additional costs if you request work that needs a lot of additional server configuration, etc.
Web Site Samples
(click on pic to visit site)
